Zhiyao Tang

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Zhiyao Tang


Research Direction:

Department:Department of Ecolog

Tel: 010-62754039 Email:zytang@pku.edu.cn

Education and experience

2003.12  PhD, Peking University 2001.10-2003.10  Daimler-Benz Fellow, Leibniz University of Hanover

1998.07  BSc, Peking University

Work Experience

2021.08- Boya Distinguished Professor, Peking University

2007.08-2021.08 Associate Professor, Peking University 2009.10-2010.10:  Visiting Researcher, University of Sheffield 2004.04-2007.08:  Lecturer, Peking University


Postdoctors and graduate students

Postdoc.: 孟媛媛 (Yuanyuan MENG)、郭焱培 (Yanpei GUO)、黄力 (Li HUANG)

Doctoral students: 刘同彦 (Tongyan LIU)、张艺伟 (Yiwei ZHANG)、张宏图 (Hongtu ZHANG)、唐荣 (Rong TANG)、张勇强 (Yongqiang ZHANG)、宋珊珊 (Shanshan SONG)、尼格娜热. 阿曼太 (Nigenare AMANTAI)

Master students: 翁许湘 (Xuxiang WENG)、白云昊(Yunhao BAI)、董昆鹏 (Kunpeng DONG)

Former students

PhD.: 张建华(Jianhua ZHANG, 2014, U-CAS)、池秀莲 (Xiulian CHI, 2015)、张则瑾 (Zejin ZHANG, 2016)、郭强 (Qiang GUO, 2019)、郭焱培 (Yanpei GUO, 2019)、艾尤尔.亥热提 (Gheyur GHEYRET, 2020)

MSc.: 赵广华(Guanghua ZHAO, 2013)、刘长柱(Changzhu LIU, 2014, U-CAS)、杨弦(Xian YANG, 2014)、闫昱晶 (Yujing YAN, 2016)、蒋旻炜 (Minwei JIANG, 2018)、张新悦(Xinyue ZHANG, 2019)、张雪皎 (Xuejiao ZHANG, 2019)、张思怡(Siyi ZHANG, 2021)

BSc.: 郭兆迪(Zhaodi GUO, 2005)、李晶(Jing LI, 2006)、彭李菁(Lijing PENG, 2007)、钱致儒(Zhiru QIAN, 2008)、饶雪莹 (Xueying RAO, 2008)、汪洁(Jie WANG, 2008)、李卓楠 (Zhuonan LI, 2010)、余乐 (Le YU, 2010)、陶泽兴 (Zexing TAO, 2012)、宋倩倩 (Qianqian SONG, 2013)、 闫昱晶 (Yujing YAN, 2013)、郭强 (Qiang GUO, 2014)、陈候清 (Houqing CHEN, 2018)、张思怡 (Siyi ZHANG, 2018)、汪毅 (Yi WANG, 2019)、张宏图 (Hongtu ZHANG, 2019)、白云昊 (Yunhao BAI, 2020)、刘威 (Wei LIU, 2021)

Prospective students and postdoctors interested in different aspects of ecology and/or biogeography are welcome. Please contact: zytang(at)urban.pku.edu.cn

Research Direction

Plant Community Ecology, Ecological Remote Sensing, Biodiversity Science


一、代表性论文 Selected publications

植物群落构建、多样性与功能 Plant community assembly, diversity and ecosystem functioning

1.  Guo YP, ......, Tang ZY*, 2019. Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity–biomass relationships in shrublands. Ecology 100: e02624.

2.  Gheyret G, Guo YP, Fang JY, Tang ZY*. 2020. Latitudinal and elevational patterns of phylogenetic structure in forest communities in China’s mountains. Science China Life Science 63: 1895-1904.

3. Zhang HT, ..., Tang ZY*. 2022. Environment shapes tree community traits in China's forests. Journal of Vegetation Sciences 33: e13146.

4.  Qiao XJ, Jabot F, Tang ZY*, et al. 2015. A latitudinal gradient in tree community assembly processes evidenced in forests of China. Global Ecology & Biogeography  24: 314-323.

生物多样性分布及保护  Patterns of conservation of Biological diversity

5.  Tang ZY, et al. 2006. Biodiversity in China’s mountains. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment4: 347-352.

6.  Zhang ZJ, …, Tang ZY*. 2015. Distribution and conservation of threatened plants in China. Biological Conservation 192: 454-460.

7.  Huang L, ..., Yang YC*, Tang ZY*, Lindenmayer DB*. 2023. Human activities and species biological traits drive the long-term persistence of old trees in human-dominated landscapes. Nature Plants.

植物化学计量与植被生产力 Plant stoichiometry and vegetation productivity

8. Tang ZY#, Xu WT#, Zhou GY#, et al . 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS  115: 4033-4038.

9. Guo YP, ......,Tang ZY*, 2020. The community-level scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus exhibits vegetation’s strategies for nutrient utilization. Journal of Ecology 108: 1276–1286. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13369.

10.  Zhang YW, Guo YP, Tang ZY* et al. 2021. Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China. Earth System Science Data 13: 5337-5351. (data available at: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.6hdr7sqzx, 2021.)

二、全部论文列表Full list of publications


207. Liu TY, ..., Tang ZY*. Trunk internal phenology of cnofierous and broadleaved trees varies differently with altitude on a temperate mountain. Ecological Research

206. Meng YY, ..., Tang ZY*. 2023. Spatiotemporal patterns of planted forests on the Loess Plateau between 1986 and 2021 based on Landsat NDVI time-series analysis GIScience &  Remote Sensing 60: 2185980.

205. Chen X, et al. 2023. Comparison between the stem and leaf photosynthetic productivity in Eucalyptus urophylla plantations with different age. Planta 257: 56.

204. Schuldt A, et al. 2023. Carbon–biodiversity relationships in a highly diverse subtropical forest. Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/gcb.16697

203. Tao SL, et al., 2023. A global long-term, high-resolution satellite  radar backscatter data record (1992–2022+):  merging C-band ERS/ASCAT and Ku-band QSCAT. Earth System Science Data 15: 1577-1596.


202. Fang WJ, et al. Species richness patterns and determinants of larch forests in China.  Plant Diversity 5: 436-444.

201. Ge JL, ..., Tang ZY*, Xie ZQ*. 2022. Depth-dependent controls over soil organic carbon stock across Chinese shrublands. Ecosystems doi: 10.1007/s10021-022-00757-6.

200. Liu TY, Ji CJ, Tang ZY. 2022. A semi-thin section technique based cell-level anatomical approach to quantify the xylem secondary cell wall deposition and lignification process. IAWA Journal doi: 10.1163/22941932-bja10095

199. Meng YY, ..., Tang ZY*. 2022. A planted forest mapping method based on long-term change trend features derived from dense Landsat time series in an ecological restoration region. Remote Sensing 14: 961.

198. Wang QG, ... Tang ZY*. 2022. Ecolutionary history and climate conditions constrain the flower colours of woody plants in China. Journal of Plant Ecology 15: 196-207.

197. Weng XX, Guo YP, Tang ZY. 2022. Spatial-temporal dependence f the neighborhood interaction in regulating tree growth in a tropical rainforest. Forest Ecology and Management 508: 120032.

196. Zhang HT, ..., Tang ZY*. 2022. Environment shapes tree community traits in China's forests. Journal of Vegetation Sciences 33: e13146.  

195. Zhang YW, ..., Tang ZY*. 2022. Estimating community-level plant traits in a species rich alpine meadow using UAV image spectroscopy. Remote Sensing 14: 3399.

194. Cai GH et al. Plant-Derived lipids play a crucial role in forest soil carbon accumulation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 168: 108645.

193. Chen GP, et al. Climate and forest attributes influence aboveground biomass of deciduos broadleaf forest in China. Journal of Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.14042.

192. Feng YH, et al. Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions. Science 376: 865-868.

191. Feng YH, et al.  Decadal lake volume changes (2003-2020) and driving forces at a global scale. Remote Sensing 14: 1032.

190. Huang HY. et al. Effects of afforestation on soil microbial diversity and enzyme activity: a meta-analysis Geoderma 423: 115961.

189. Guo QH, et al. Human-climate coupled changes in vegetation community complexity of China since 1980s. Earth's Future doi: 10.1029/2021EF002553.

188. Liu YZ, et al. Classification and distribution of evergreen broad-leaved forests in Jiangxi, East China. Journal of Plant Ecology doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtac059.

187. Liu XQ, et al. Neutral network guided interpolation for mapping canopy height of China's forests by integrating GEDI and ICESat-2 data. Remote Sensing of Environment 269: 112844.

186. Ouyang M, et al. Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) invasion increases forest soil pH in subtropical China. Catena 215: 106339.

185. Satatini FM, et al., 2022. Global patterns of local plant species richness. Nature Communications 13: 4683.

184. Tian QX, et al. Vertical distribution of soil bacterial communities in different types along an elevation gradient. Microbial Ecology doi: 10.1007/s00248-021-01949-8.

183. Wang CC, et al. 2022. Wuling Mountains function as a corridor for woody plant species exchange between northern and southern Central China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.837738.

182. Xiong XY et al. 2022. Aboveground biomass and its biotic and abiotic modulators of a main food bamboo of the giant panda in an subalpine spruce-fir forest in southwestern China. Journal of Plant Ecology doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtab069.

181. Yang YH, et al. 2022. Terrestrial carbon sinks in China and around the world and their contribution to carbon neutrality. Science China Life Science doi: 10.1007/s11427-021-2045-5. (="杨元合等" 2022. 陆地生态系统碳源汇特征及其对实现碳中和目标的贡献. 中国科学-生命科学)

180. Yu QS, et al. 2022. Foliar phosphorus allocation and photosynthesis reveal plants’ adaptative strategies to phosphorus limitation in tropical forests at different successional stages. Science of the Total Environment doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157456

179. Zhang JH, et al. Nutrient resorption responses of plant life forms to nitrogen addion in temperate shrublands. Ecosphere 10.1002/ecs2.4113.

178. Cai Q, et al. Effects of stand structures and biophysical parameters on tree species richness in beech (Fagus) forests in China.

177. Fang WJ, et al., Beta diversity of larch forests in China.

176. 王国宏等 2022.《中国植被志》研编规范的若干说明、补充与修订.  植物生态学报  46: 368-372.


175. Feng YH, ..., Tang ZY*. 2021. Assessing the effectiveness of global protected areas based on the difference in differences model. Ecological Indicators 130: 108078.

174. Guo YP, ..., Tang ZY*. 2021. Environmental constraints on the inter-genus variation in the scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Journal of Plant Ecology 14: 616-627.

173. Gheyret G, ..., Tang ZY*. 2021. Radial growth response of trees to seasonal soil humidity in a subtropical forest. Basic and Applied Ecology 55: 74-86.

172. Li Y, Yan YJ, Tang ZY*,…, Yao YJ*. 2021. Conserving the Chinese caterpillar fungus under climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 547-550.

171. Zhang JH, ...,  Tang ZY*. 2021. Responses of litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics to nitrogen addition to temperate shrublands of North China. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 11: 618675.

170. Zhang YW, Guo YP, Tang ZY* et al. 2021. Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China. Earth System Science Data 13: 5337-5351.

169. Cai HY, et al. 2021. Geographical patterns in phylogenetic diversity of Chinese woody plants and its application for conservation planning. Diversity and Distribution 27: 179-194.

168. Cai Q, et al. 2021.The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech (Fagus) species worldwide. Journal of Biogeography 48: 1240-1253.

167. Feng YH, et al. 2021. Reduced resilience of terrestrial ecosystems locally is not reflected on a global scale. Communications Earth & Environment. 2: 88.

166. Ouyang M. et al. 2021. A field-based estimation of moso bamboo forest biomass in China. Forest Ecology and Management 505: 119885.

165.  Schnabel F.,et al. 2021. Hydraulic diversity stabilizes productivity in a large scale subtropical tree diversity experiment. Science Advances 7: eabk1643.

164. Sun YF, et al. 2021. Global patterns and climatic drivers of above- and belowground net primary productivity in grasslands. Science China Life Sciences 64: 739-751.

163. Tian QX, et al. 2021. Soil pH and organic carbon properties drive soil bacterial communities in surface and deep layers along an elevational gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology 12: 646142.

162. Trogisch T, et al., 2021. The significance of tree-tree interactions for forest ecosystem functioning. Basic and Applied Ecology 55: 33-52.

161. Wang YP, et al., 2021. Allien woody plant invasions in natural forests across China. Journal of Plant Ecology 14: 749-756.

160. Yi SJ, et al. 2021. Biodiversity, environmental context and structural attributes as drivers of aboveground biomass in shrublands at the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Basin. Science of Total Environment 774: 145198.

159. 郭焱培,  ..., 唐志尧*. 2021. 中国北方典型灌丛的分布特征及气候限制. 中国科学: 生命科学51: 346.

158. 刘鸿雁,唐志尧(主编)华北地区植物资源保护与利用. 北京: 科学出版社. 2021.


157. Bai YH, …, Tang ZY. 2020. Conservation status of Primulaceae, a plant family with high endemism, in China. Biological Conservation 248: 108675.

156. Fang WJ, ..., Tang ZY*, Fang JY*. 2020. The relationships among structure variables of larch forests in China. Forest Ecosystems 7: 61.

155. Ge JL, Xu WT, Liu Q, Tang ZY*, Xie ZQ*, 2020. Patterns and environmental controls of soil organic carbon density in Chinese shrublands. Geoderma363: 114161.

154.  Gheyret G, Guo YP, Fang JY, Tang ZY*. 2020. Latitudinal and elevational patterns of phylogenetic structure in forest communities in China’s mountains. Science China: Life Science 63: 1895-1904.

153.  Gheyret G, Mohammat A, Tang ZY*. 2019. Elevational patterns of temperature and humidity in the middle Tianshan Mountain area in Central Asia. Journal of Moutain Science 12: 397-409.

152. Guo YP, …, Tang ZY*, 2020. The community-level scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus exhibits vegetation’s strategies for nutrient utilization. Journal of Ecology 108: 1276-1286.

151. Guo YP, …, Tang ZY*. 2020. Climate and biomass together control the vertical distribution of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in shrublands in China. Plant and Soil 456: 15-26.

150. Liu Z, Wang F*, Tang ZY*, Tang JT. 2020. Predictions and driving factors of production-based CO⁠2 emissions in Beijing, China. Sustainable Cities and Society 53: 101909.

149. Zhang SY, …, Tang ZY. 2020. Representativeness of threatened terrestrial vertebrates in nature reserves in China. Biological Conservation  246: 108599.

148. He NP, et al. 2020. Plant trait networks: improved resolution of the dimensionality of adaptation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution  35: 908-918.

147. Li YQ, et al. 2020. Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity, Ecology Letters 23: 1003-1013 .

146. Song SS, et al. 2020. Long-term grazing exclusion reduces species diversity but increases community heterogeneity in an alpine grassland. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 66.

145. Su YJ, et al., 2020. An updated Vegetation Map of China (1:1000000). Science Bulletin 65: 1125-1136.

144. Zhu JX, et al., 2020. Increasing soil carbon stocks in eight permanent forest plots in China. Biogeosciences  17: 715-726.

143. 张新悦, ..., 唐志尧*. 2020. 1982-2014年华北及周边地区生长季NDVI变化及其驱动因子. 44118太阳成城集团学报 57: 153-161.

142. 李熠等. 2020. 物种分布模型在大型真菌红色名录评估及保护中的应用: 以冬虫夏草为例.生物多样性 28: 99–106.

141. 张恒等. 2020. 近 30 年京津冀地区湖泊面积的变化. 44118太阳成城集团学报(自然科学版) doi: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2019.123.

140. 方精云等. 2020. 《中国植被志》的植被分类系统、植被类型划分及编排体系. 植物生态学报 44: 96-110.

139. 王国宏等. 2020.《中国植被志》研编内容与规范. 植物生态学报 2020, 44 (2): 128–176.

138. 郭柯等. 2020. 中国植被分类系统修订方案. 植物生态学报 44: 111-127.

137. 谢宗强,唐志尧,刘庆,徐文婷. 中国灌丛生态系统碳汇. 北京: 科学出版社. 2019.


136. Guo YP, …, Tang ZY*, 2019. Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity–biomass relationships in shrublands. Ecology 100: e02624.

135.  Yan YJ, Tang ZY*. 2019. Protecting endemic plants on the Tibetan Plateau under future climate change: migration matters. Journal of Plant Ecology  12: 962-971.

134. Zhang Q, ..., Tang ZY*, Xie ZQ*, 2019. C: N: P stoichiometry of Ericaceae species in shrubland biomes across Southern China: influences of climate, soil and species identity. Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 346-357.

133. Bruelheide H, et al. 2019. sPlot – a new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Sciences 30: 161-186.

132. Feng YH, et al. 2019.Changes in the trends of vegetation net primary productivity in China between 1982 and 2015. Environment Research Letters 14:124009.

131. He HL, et al. 2019. Altered trend in carbon uptake China's terrestrial ecosystems under the enhanced summer monsoon and warming hiatus. National Science Review 6: 505-514.

130. Tian D, et al. 2019. A global database of paired leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of terrestrial plants. Ecology 100: e02812.

129. Wang QG, et al. 2019. Analyzing tree neighborhood interactions in ecotones of montane evergreen and deciduous forests in China. Journal of Vegetation Sciencesm30: 654-663.

128. Xiao J, et al. 2019. Responses of four dominant dryland plant species to climate change in the Junggar Basin, north-west China. Ecology and Evolution 9: 13596-13607.

127. Zhang H, et al., 2019. High-resolution vegetation mapping using eXtreme Gradient Boosting based on extensive features. Remote Sensing  11: 1505.

126. 张雪皎, ..., 唐志尧*. 2019. 中国北方栎属树木多度分布及其对未来气候变化的响应. 植物生态学报  43: 774-782.

125. 唐志尧, 刘鸿雁. 2019. 华北地区植物群落分布格局及构建机制. 植物生态学报 43: 729-731.


124. Tang ZY#, Xu WT#, Zhou GY#, et al . 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS115: 4033-4038.

123. Tang XL#, Zhao X#, Bai YF#, Tang ZY#, et al. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: new estimates based on an intensive field survey. PNAS 115: 4021-4026.

122. Bruelheide H, et al. 2018. Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 1907-1918.

121. Chen SP, et al. 2018. Plant diversity enhances productivity and soil carbon storage. PNAS 115: 4027-4032.

120. Huang YY, et al., 2018. Strong impacts of biodiversity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science 362: 80-83.

119. Jiang ZH, et al. 2018. A trait-based approach reveals the importance of biotic filter on elevational herb richness pattern. Journal of Biogeography 45:2288–2298.

118. Liu XJ, et al. 2018. Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests. Proc. Royal Society B 285: 20181240.

117. Lu F, et al. 2018. The effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. PNAS 115: 4039-4044.

116. Schuldt A, et al. 2018. Biodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests. Nature Communications 9: 2989.

115. Shrestha N, et al. 2018. Global patterns of Rhododendron diversity: The role of evolutionary time and diversification rates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 913-924.

114. Tian D, et al. 2018. Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and their scaling exponent. National Science Review 5: 728-739.

113. Zhang Q, et al. 2018. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and allocation strategies among shrub organs: the effects of plant growth forms and nitrogen fixation type. Plant and Soil 427: 305-319.

112. Zhao H, et al. 2018. Spatial patterns and environmental factors influencing leaf carbon content in the forests and shrublands of China. Journal of Geographical Science 28: 791-801.

111. 唐志尧等. 2018. 遥感在生物多样性研究与保护中的应用. 生物多样性 26: 807-818.

110. 张则瑾,..., 唐志尧*. 2018. 中国极小种群野生植物的保护现状评估. 生物多样性26: 572–577.

109. 刘鸿雁, 唐志尧, 朱彪. 野外生态学实习指导. 44118太阳成城集团出版社. 2018.

108. 谢宗强, 王杨, 唐志尧, 徐文婷. 中国常见灌木生物量模型手册. 科学出版社. 2018.


107. Chi XL, ..., Tang ZY*. 2017. Seasonal characteristic and determinants of tree growth in a Chinese subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 4-12.

106.  Chi XL, ..., Tang ZY*, Huang LQ*. 2017. Threatened medicinal plants in China: distributions and conservation priorities. Biological Conservation 210: 89-95.

105. Guo Q, ..., Tang ZY*. 2017. Asymemetric competition for light varies across functional groups. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 74-80.

104. Guo YP,…, Tang ZY*. 2017. Legume shrubs are more nitrogen-homeostatic than non-legume shrubs. Frontiers in Plant Sciences8: 1662.

103. Yan YJ, …, Tang ZY*, Yao YJ*. 2017. Range shifts in response to climate change of Ophiocordyceps sinensis , a fungus endemic to the Tibetan Plateau. Biological Conservation206: 143-150.

102.  Eigenbrod F#, Tang ZY#*, et al. 2017. Spatial covariance of ecosystem services and poverty in China. International J. Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 131: 422-433.

101. Cai Y, et al . 2017. Different composition and distribution patterns of mineral‐protected versus hydrolyzable lipids in shrubland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeoscience 122: 2206-2218.

100. Eziz A, et al. 2017. Drought effect on plant biomass allocation: A meta-analysis. Ecology and Evolution 7: 11002-11010.

99. Wang SY, et al. 2017. Response of spatial vegetation distribution in China to climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). PLoS ONE 11: e0175742.

98. Yan ZB, et al. 2017. An assessment on the uncertainty of the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio as a threshold for nutrient limitation in plants. Annals of Botany 120: 937-942.

97. Zhu JX, et al. 2017. Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China`s forests. Nature Communications 8: 151.

96. 郭焱培, ..., 唐志尧*. 2017. 中国北方温带灌丛生态系统碳、氮、磷储量. 植物生态学报 41: 14-21.

95. 杨弦, ..., 唐志尧*. 2017.中国北方温带灌丛生物量的分布及其与环境的关系. 植物生态学报 41: 22-30.

94. 谢宗强, 唐志尧. 2017. 中国灌丛生态系统碳储量的研究. 植物生态学报 41: 1-4.

93. 张建华等. 2017. 北京东灵山地区常见灌丛生长及凋落物生产对氮添加的响应. 植物生态学报 41: 71-80.

92. 张建华等.  2017. 氮添加对北京东灵山地区灌丛土壤呼吸的影响. 植物生态学报 41: 81-94.


91. Dallimer M#, Tang ZY#, et al . 2016. The extent of shifts in vegetation phenology between rural and urban areas within a human-dominated region. Ecology and Evolution 6: 1942-1953.

90. Yang X, …, Tang ZY*. 2016. Variations of leaf N, P concentrations in shrubland biomes across Northern China: phylogeny, climate and soil. Biogeosciences 13: 4429.

89. Castro-Izaguirre N, et al. 2016. Tree Diversity Enhances Stand Carbon Storage but Not Leaf Area in a Subtropical Forest. PLoS ONE 11: e0167771.

88. Lin L,  et al. 2015. Range expansion and habitat shift trigered elevated diversification of the rice genus (Oriza , Poaceae) during the Pleistocene. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15: 182.

87. Tao SL, et al. 2016. Spatial scale and pattern dependences of aboveground biomass estimation from satellite images: a case study of the Sierra National Forest, California. Landscape Ecology 31: 1711-1723.


86. Chi XL, Tang ZY*, et al . 2015. Effects of size, neighbors and site conditions on tree growth in a subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest. Ecology and Evolution  5: 5149-5161.

85  Qiao XJ, Jabot F, Tang ZY*, et al. 2015. A latitudinal gradient in tree community assembly processes evidenced in forests of China. Global Ecology & Biogeography 24: 314-323.

84.  Liu YN, Tang ZY*, et al . 2015. Contribution of environmental filtering and dispersal limitation to species turnover of temperate deciduous broadleaved forests in China. Applied Vegetation Science  18: 34-42.

83. Zhang JH, Tang ZY*, et al. 2015. Resorption efficiency of leaf nutrients in woody plants on Mt. Dongling of Beijing, Northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology8: 530-538.

82. Zhang JH, …, Tang ZY*. 2015. Effects of nitrogen addition on nitrogen resorption in temperate shrublands in northern China. PLoS ONE  10: e0130434.

81.  Zhang ZJ, …, Tang ZY*. 2015. Distribution and conservation of threatened plants in China. Biological Conservation192: 454-460.

80.  Zhang ZJ, …, Tang ZY*. 2015. Distribution and conservation of orchid species richness in China. Biological Conservation 181: 64-72.

79. Qiao XJ, et al. 2015. Beta diversity determinants in Badagongshan, a subtropical forest in central China. Scientific Reports 5: 17043.

78. Tao SL, et al. 2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. PNAS 112: 2281-2286.

77. Wu X, et al . 2015. The relationship between species richness and biomass changes from boreal to subtropical forests in China. Ecography 38: 602-613.


76.  Chi XL, Tang ZY*, Fang JY. 2014. Patterns of phylogenetic beta diversity in China’s grasslands in relation to geographic and environmental distances. Basic and Applied Ecology 15: 415-426.

75.  Yang X, Tang ZY*, et al. 2014. Scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus across plant organs in shrubland biomes across Northern China. Scientific Reports4: 5448.


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