Tao Liu

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Tao Liu


Research Direction:Migration, Urbanization, Urban land development, rural transformation, spatial planning, water governance

Department:Department of Urban and Regional Planning


Education and experience

2011-2016, PhD in Geography, The University of Hong Kong

2008-2011, MPhil in Human Geography, Peking University

2003-2008, BE in Urban Planning, Peking University

2003-2008, BEcon, Peking University

Fund Project

“Migration and Spatial Balance of Population: Theory and Measurement” Funded by National Social Science Foundation of China [国家社科重大项目子课题]. Principal Investigator. 2020-2025.
“Complexity of Population Movement and Urban-rural Governance: Insights from COVID-19 Spreading” Funded by Peking University. Principal Investigator. 2020-2021.
“Spatial Optimization and Planning Technology of Ecological System in Town and Village Communities” Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China [国家重点研发计划项目课题]. Principal Investigator. 2019-2022.
“The Evolving Functional System of Small Towns and Villages in Counties” Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology of China [国家重点研发计划项目子课题]. Principal Investigator. 2019-2022.
“Repeat Migration in China and Its Urbanization Effects” Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China [国家自然科学基金]. Principal Investigator. 2019-2021.
“Repeat Migration and Spatial Restructuring of Mega-city Region from the perspective of New-type Urbanization: Case Studies of PRD and BTH” Funded by the Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education [教育部人文社科基金]. Principal Investigator. 2018-2021.
“Flow Directions, Influencing Factors, and Spatial Effects of China’s Internal Migration” Funded by National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC), Principal Investigator, 2018
“Internal Migration and Urbanization in China” Funded by UKRI’s Global Challenge Research Fund, project lead,(2017-2021)
“Assessing Recent Population Regulations in Beijing: Insights from Migrants' Intention to Leave” Funded by the Institute for China Sustainable Urbanization, Principal Investigator,(2017-2019)
“New Trends of Migration in China: Prospect and Assessment” Funded by National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC), Principal Investigator, 2016

Research Direction

Urban geography and urban-rural development

Urban and regional planning



  1. Liu T. (2020) China's Urban Construction Land Development: State, Market, and Peasantry in Action. Springer.

  2. 曹广忠, 王茂军, 刘涛 (2015). 区域城镇化与工业化的空间协同:演化、机理与效应. 北京: 44118太阳成城集团出版社.


  1. Huang D, Zhu S, Liu T*, Ma P. (2021). Do land ownership types matter in manufacturing firms’ location choice? Using Beijing as a case study. Growth and Change, n/a. https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.12579

  2. Huang D, He H, Liu T*. (2021). City size and employment dynamics in China: Evidence from recruitment website data. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 31, 1737-1756. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-021-1920-2

  3. Huang D, Zhu S, Liu T*, Are there differences in the forces driving the conversion of different non-urban lands into urban use? A case study of Beijing. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-15839-6

  4. Huang D, Liu T*, Kong F, Guang R. (2021). Employment centers change faster than expected: An integrated identification method and application to Beijing. Cities, 115, 103224:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2021.103224

  5. Chen Y, Liu T*, Ge Y, Xia S, Yuan Y, Li W, Xu H. (2021). Examining social vulnerability to flood of affordable housing communities in Nanjing, China: Building long-term disaster resilience of low-income communities. Sustainable Cities and Society, 71, 102939:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.102939

  6. Liu T, Yang S M, Peng R X, Huang D Q*. (2021). A geographically weighted regression model for health improvement: Insights from the extension of life expectancy in China. Applied Sciences. 11(5):2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11052022

  7. Huang D Q, Lang Y, Liu T*. (2021). The evolving structure of rural construction land in urbanizing China: Case study of Tai'an prefecture. Land. 10(1), 65:1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10010065

  8. Huang D Q, He H, Liu T*. (2021). The spatial distribution and influencing factors of employment multipliers in China’s expanding cities. Applied Sciences. 11(3), 1016. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11031016

  9. Tong X, Yu H, Liu T. (2021) Using weighted entropy to measure the recyclability of municipal solid waste in China: Exploring the geographical disparity for circular economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127719

  10. Shi Q J, Dorling D, Cao G Z, Liu T*, (2020). Changes in population movement make COVID-19 spread differently from SARS. Social Science & Medicine. 255, 113036. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113036

  11. Liu T, Zhang W Y, Wang Y R, (2020). How does the Chinese government improve connectivity in water governance? International Journal of Water Resources Development. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.201080/07900627.2020.1755955

  12. Shi Q J, Liu T*, (2020). Should internal migrants be held accountable for spreading COVID-19? Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 52(4): 695-697. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X20916764

  13. Liu T, Shi Q J. (2020). Acquiring a Beijing hukou: Who is eligible and who is successful? The China Quarterly, 243: 855-868. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0305741019001541

  14. Chen Y, Liu T*, Chen R S*, Zhao M K. (2020). Influence of the built environment on community flood resilience: Evidence from Nanjing City, China. Sustainability. 12(6). 2401:1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12062401

  15. Liu T, Chen J C, Jin Y A, Xiao W. Spatial dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in China: effects of human mobility and control measures [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(3): 224–240. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodp. 2020.03.03.

  16. Liu T, Huang D Q, Tan X, Kong F H, (2020) Planning consistency and implementation in urbanizing China: Comparing urban and land use plans in suburban Beijing. Land Use Policy, 94, 104498: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104498

  17. Liu T, Wang J J, (2020) Bringing city size in understanding the permanent settlement intention of rural–urban migrants in China. Population, Space and Place. 26. e2295: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2295

  18. Huang D, Chu E, Liu T*. Spatial determinants of land conversion for various urban use: A case study of Beijing. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2020; 9(12):708. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9120708

  19. Huang D Q, Lang Y, Liu T*. (2020). Evolving population distribution in China’s border regions: Spatial differences, driving forces and policy implications. PLOS ONE, 15(10), e240592: 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240592

  20. Huang D Q, Yang S M, Liu T*. (2020). Life expectancy in Chinese cities: Spatially varied role of socioeconomic development, population structure, and natural conditions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18),6597: 1-24. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186597

  21. Huang, D, Tan, X, Liu, T*, Chu, E& Kong, F. (2020). Effects of hierarchical city centers on the intensity and direction of urban land expansion: A case study of Beijing. Land, 9(9),312: 1-. https://doi.org/10.3390/land9090312

  22. Liu, H., Chen, Y.D. Liu, T*. and Lin, L. (2019) The River Chief System and River Pollution Control in China: A Case Study of Foshan. Water. 2019, 11(8), 1606. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11081606

  23. Shi Q J, Liu T*. (2019). Glimpsing China’s future urbanization from the geography of a floating population. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 51(4): 817-819. https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X19834572

  24. Huang, D., Huang J. and Liu T*. (2019) Delimiting urban growth boundaries using the CLUE-S model with village administrative boundaries. Land Use Policy, 82: 422-435. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.12.028

  25. Jin, W. F., Zhou C. S., Liu T., and Zhang G. J. (2019). Exploring the factors affecting regional land development patterns at different developmental stages: Evidence from 289 Chinese cities. Cities 91: 193-201.

  26. Wang, R. Y., Liu T, and Dang H. (2018). Bridging critical institutionalism and fragmented authoritarianism in China: An analysis of centralized water policies and their local implementation in semi-arid irrigation districts. Regulation & Governance. 12(4): 451-465

  27. Wu, J., Hu Y, Liu T, and He Q.  (2018). Value capture in protected areas from the perspective of common-pool resource governance: A case study of Jiuzhai Valley National Park, China. Land Use Policy. 79: 452-462.

  28. Cao G Z, Li K, Wang R M, Liu T*. (2017) Consumption structure of Chinese migrant worker families. China & World Economy. 25(4): 1-21

  29. Chen Y Y, Gu W Y, Liu T*, Yuan L, Zeng M L. (2017)  Increasing the use of urban greenways in developing countries: A case study on Wutong Greenway in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (6): 554-571.

  30. Wang R Y, Ng C N, Lenzer J H, Dang H P, Liu T*, Yao S J, (2017) Unpacking water conflicts: a reinterpretation of coordination problems in China’s water-governance system. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 33(4): 553-569.

  31. Shi Q, Liu T, Musterd S, Cao G Z. (2017). How social structure changes in Chinese global cities: Synthesizing globalization, migration and institutional factors in Beijing. Cities. 60, Part A: 156-165.

  32. Qi Y J, Jin F J, Liu T, Jiao J J. (2017) Implementation methods and economic impacts of national node strategies. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 27(3): 348-364.

  33.  Liu T, Cao G Z, Yan Y, Wang Y R. (2016) Urban land marketization in China: Central policy, local initiative, and market mechanism. Land Use Policy. 57: 265-276.

  34. Chen Y Y, Liu T, Xie X X, Marušić, B. (2016) What Attracts People to Visit Community Open Spaces? A Case Study of the Overseas Chinese Town Community in Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(7): 644.

  35. Chen Y Y, Liu T*, Liu W B. (2016) Increasing the use of large-scale public open spaces: A case study of the North Central Axis Square in Shenzhen, China. Habitat International. 53:66-77

  36. Cao G, Shi Q J, Liu T*. (2016). An integrated model of urban spatial structure: Insights from the distribution of floor area ratio in a Chinese city. Applied Geography 75: 116-126.

  37. Liu X, Cao G Z, Liu T, Liu H C. (2016) Semi-urbanization and evolving patterns of urbanization in China: Insights from the 2000 to 2010 national censuses. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 26(11): 1626–1642.

  38. Liu H, Benoit G, Liu T*, Liu Y, Guo H C. (2015) An integrated system dynamics model for managing lake water quality at the watershed scale. Journal of Environmental Management. 155:11-23

  39. Liu T, Liu H, Qi Y J. (2015) Construction land expansion and cultivated land protection in urbanizing China: Insights from national land surveys, 1996-2006. Habitat International. 46:13-22

  40. Liu T, Qi Y J, Cao G Z, Liu H. (2015) Spatial patterns, driving forces, and urbanization effects of China’s internal migration: County-level analysis based on the 2000 and 2010 censuses. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 25(2):236-256.

  41. Liu T, Lin G C S. (2014) New geography of land commodification in Chinese cities: Uneven landscape of urban land development under market reforms and globalization. Applied Geography. 51:118-130.

  42. Cao G Z, Liu T, Liu H, Miao Y B. (2012) Changing spatial and structural patterns of non-agricultural activities in outward-moving Beijing urban fringe. Chinese Geographical Science. 22(6): 718-729.

  43. Liu H, Liu T, Liu L, et al, (2010) Integrated Simulation and Optimization Approach for Studying Urban Transportation-Environment Systems in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 15(2): 99-110.

  44. 刘涛, 卓云霞, 王洁晶. (2021) 村庄环境、非农就业与农地流转——基于全国百村农户调查数据的分析. 地域研究与开发. 40(4):141-146.

  45. 刘艳军, 汤爽爽, 吴康, 林李月, 黄耿志, 刘涛, 戚伟, 魏冶. (2021). 经济地理学视角下中国人口研究热点与展望. 经济地理. 41(10): 97-105.

  46. 卓云霞, 刘涛*, 古维迎. (2021) 多维邻近性与城-城流动人口的流入地选择 ——基于嵌套Logit模型的实证分析. 地理科学. 41(7): 1210-1218.

  47. 曹广忠, 陈思创, 刘涛*. (2021) 中国五大城市群人口流入的空间模式及变动趋势. 地理学报. 76(6): 1334-1349.

  48. 彭荣熙, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2021) 中国东部沿海地区城市经济韧性的空间差异及其产业结构解释. 地理研究. 40(6): 1732-1748.

  49. 刘涛, 彭荣熙, 曹广忠. (2021) 流动人口居留稳定性的群体分异与空间差异. 人文地理. 36(3): 37-46.

  50. 刘涛*, 王德政. (2021) 教育水平、工作经验与流动人口就业质量. 人口研究. 45(4): 85-99.

  51. 刘涛, 刘嘉杰, 曹广忠. (2021) 中国城市人口户籍迁移的估算及时空特征——新型城镇化的落户政策导向. 地理科学. 41(4):1-9

  52. 曹广忠, 刘嘉杰, 刘涛*. (2021) 空气质量对中国人口迁移的影响. 地理研究. 40(1):199-212

  53. 刘涛, 陈家醇, 靳永爱, 肖雯. (2020) 人口流动影响下的中国新冠肺炎疫情时空格局与防控效果. 全球变化数据学报. 4(3):224-240

  54. 李凯, 王振振, 刘涛*. (2020) 西南连片特困地区乡村旅游的减贫效应分析 ——基于广西235个村庄的调查. 人文地理.35(6):115-121

  55. 孙晶, 刘建国, 杨新军, 赵福强, 覃驭楚, 姚莹莹, 王放, 伦飞, 王洁晶, 秦波, 刘涛, 张丛林, 黄宝荣, 程叶青, 石金莲. (2020) 人类世可持续发展背景下的远程耦合框架及其应用. 地理学报.75(11): 2408-2416

  56. 刘涛, 卓云霞, 王洁晶. (2020) 邻近性对人口再流动目的地选择的影响——分析框架与实证研究. 地理学报. 75(12): 2716-2729

  57. 李婷, 刘涛*, 刘嘉杰, 成天异. (2020) 三代直系家庭分布影响因素的空间分析——基于20151%人口抽样调查数据. 人口研究. 2020, 44(6): 18-34.

  58. 刘涛, 靳永爱. (2020) 人口流动视角下的中国新冠疫情扩散时空动态——传统数据和大数据的对比研究. 人口研究. 44(5): 44-59.

  59. 卓云霞, 刘涛*. (2020) 城市和区域多中心研究进展. 地理科学进展. 39(8): 1385-1396

  60. 刘涛, 韦长传, 仝德. (2020) 人力资本、社会支持与流动人口社会融入——以北京市为例. 人口与发展. 26(2): 11-22.

  61. 陈轶, 刘涛*, 陈睿山 . (2020). 南京老旧社区居民洪涝韧性及影响因素——以鼓楼区为例. 地域研究与开发. 39(4): 67-72.

  62. 王凯, 李凯, 刘涛. (2020). 中国城市流动人口市民化空间分异与治理效率. 城市规划. 44(6): 22-30.

  63. 刘涛, 陈思创, 曹广忠. (2019) 流动人口的居留和落户意愿及其影响因素. 中国人口科学. (3): 80-91.

  64. 解永庆, 张婷, 刘涛*. (2019). 创—城—人融合的创新城区规划经验与启示——以匹兹堡上城区为例. 城市发展研究. 26 (2): 16-23.

  65. 陈轶, 刘涛*, 李子豪等.(2018) 大城市边缘区居村农民就地城镇化意愿影响因素——以南京江北新区为例. 地域研究与开发. 37(6): 70-75.

  66. 刘涛, 卓云霞, 孙婷. (2018) 北京市人口疏解政策的演变与评估:一个“运动式治理”的案例考察. 城市与地方治理研究. 2:1-21

  67. 陈义勇, 刘涛, 曹广忠, 殷豪. (2018) 中国农村公共空间的供给和使用——基于百村两千农户的调查. 城市与地方治理研究. 2:88-104

  68. 刘涛, 史秋洁, 王雨, 杨宇. (2018) 中国城乡建设占用耕地的时空格局及形成机制. 地理研究. 37(8):1609-1623

  69. 吕利丹, 段成荣, 刘涛*, 靳永爱. (2018). 对我国流动人口规模变动的结构分解和讨论. 南方人口. 33(1):20-29

  70. 胡兆量, 陈彦光, 刘涛. (2018) 经济地理面貌变化三特征. 经济地理. 38(10):1-4.

  71. 李凯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2018) 中国省区城镇化空间格局与驱动力演变. 城市发展研究. 25(6):8-16

  72. 刘涛, 周强, 刘作丽, 解永庆, 宋健. (2017) 国际大都市区空间发展规律与空间治理——兼论对北京的启示. 城市发展研究, 24(11): 64-69.

  73. 段成荣, 刘涛, 吕利丹. (2017) 当前我国人口流动形势及其影响研究. 山东社会科学. (9):63-69【《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》全文转载】

  74. 史秋洁, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2017) 面向规划建设的村庄分类指标体系研究. 人文地理. 32(6): 121-128

  75. 李凯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2016) 城市群空间集聚与扩散的特征与机制——以长三角城市群、武汉城市群和成渝城市群为例. 城市规划, 40(2):18-26.

  76. 陈义勇, 刘涛 (2016). 社区开放空间吸引力的影响因素探析——基于深圳华侨城社区的调查. 建筑学报, (2): 107-112.

  77. 齐元静, 金凤君, 刘, 焦静娟 (2016) 国家节点战略的实施路径及其经济效应评价. 地理学报, 71(12): 2103-2118.

  78. 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2015) 大都市区外来人口居住地选择的区域差异与尺度效应——基于北京市村级数据的实证分析. 管理世界. (1):30-40.

  79. 刘涛, 齐元静, 曹广忠. (2015) 中国流动人口空间格局的演变特征、形成机制及城镇化效应——基于2000和2010年人口普查分县数据的分析. 地理学报. 70(4):567-581.

  80. 李凯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2015) 中国典型城市群空间范围的动态识别与空间扩展模式探讨——以长三角城市群, 武汉城市群和成渝城市群为例. 城市发展研究, (11):72-79.

  81. 陈义勇, 刘涛. (2015) 北京城市总体规划中人口规模预测的反思与启示. 规划师, 31(10):16-21.

  82. 颜燕, 贺灿飞, 刘涛, 满燕云. (2014) 工业用地价格竞争, 集聚经济与企业区位选择——基于中国地级市企业微观数据的经验研究. 城市发展研究. 21 (3): 9-13.

  83. 颜燕, 刘涛, 满燕云. (2013) 基于土地出让行为的地方政府竞争与经济增长. 城市发展研究. 20 (3):73-79.

  84. 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2012) 城市规模的空间聚散与中心城市影响力——基于中国637个城市和空间自相关的实证. 地理研究. 31(7): 1317-1327.

  85. 郜晓雯, 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2012) 都市区与非都市区城镇用地扩张的驱动力研究——以长三角地区为例. 人文地理. (4):88-93.

  86. 许锋, 刘涛. (2012) 加拿大公众参与规划及其启示. 国际城市规划. 27(1): 64-68.

  87. 黄金川, 孙贵艳, 闫梅, 刘涛, 肖磊. (2012) 中国城市场强格局演化及空间自相关特征. 地理研究. (8):1355-1364.

  88. 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2011) 中国城市用地规模的影响因素分析——以2005年县级及以上城市为例. 资源科学. 33(8): 1570-1577.

  89. 曹广忠, 刘涛. (2011) 中国城镇化地区贡献的内陆化演变与解释——基于1982-2008年省区数据的分析. 地理学报. 66(12): 1631-1643.

  90. 曹广忠, 郜晓雯, 刘涛. (2011) 都市区与非都市区的城镇用地增长特征:以长三角地区为例. 人文地理. 26(5): 65-70.

  91. 郜晓雯, 曹广忠, 刘涛. (2011) 义乌村镇产业布局模式研究. 地域研究与开发. 30(4): 26-30, 35.

  92. 曹广忠, 边雪, 刘涛. (2011) 基于人口、产业和用地结构的城镇化水平评估与解释——以长三角地区为例. 地理研究. 30(12): 2139-2149.

  93. 刘涛, 曹广忠. (2010) 城市用地扩张及驱动力研究进展. 地理科学进展. 29(8): 927-934.

  94. 刘涛, 曹广忠, (2010) 北京市制造业分布的圈层结构演变——基于第一、二次基本单位普查资料的分析. 地理研究. 29(4): 716-726.

  95. 刘涛, 曹广忠, 边雪, 郜晓雯. (2010) 城镇化与工业化及经济社会发展的协调性评价及规律性探讨. 人文地理. 25(6): 47-52.

  96. 刘涛, 曹广忠, 江艺东, 郜晓雯. (2010) 区域产业布局模式识别:指标体系与实证检验. 地理科学. 30(2): 190-196.

  97. 曹广忠, 刘涛. (2010) 中国省区城镇化的核心驱动力演变与过程模型. 中国软科学. (9): 86-95.

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